Member News

Today's Club elections stir memories of contested 1964 vote

December 9, 2011

This story originally ran as a blog post at The National Press Club election will be held today, Friday, Dec. 9. Members can vote from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. in the Zenger Room. The Washington Post headline read: "National Press Club Has a Real Contest For Presidency…

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Club election interest spikes; more absentee ballots requested than votes cast in previous years

December 8, 2011

This year's election for National Press Club officers and governors is shaping up not only as one of the most hotly contested in memory but also as one attracting intense member interest. As of 4:55 p.m. Dec. 7, a total of 401 absentee ballots have been requested -- roughly twice the number of…

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Rodrigo Valderrama: Candidate for communicator on Club board

December 7, 2011

Dear Club Communicator Member: I ask for your vote to continue my work on your behalf. Your “Communicator” Vote for Rodrigo A.-VALDERRAMA will support a continuing, active effort to extend a vote and greater participation to this club’s membership component. Communicator members should be able to…

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Suzanne Struglinski: Candidate for communicator on Club board

December 7, 2011

Fellow Communicators, I ask for your vote on Dec. 9 because I want to be a strong voice for all of us in the non-journalist category. No matter if you are inside or outside the Beltway, a frequent Club visitor or someone who comes by once a year, if at all, a Young Member or a Silver Owl or…

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Emily Whitten: Candidate for communicator on Club board

December 7, 2011

I am running for the Communicator position on the Board of Governors because Communicators are a key asset of The National Press Club, and I want to ensure that we are well-represented as equal members of the Club, and to focus on how the Club can best benefit us and support our needs. I believe…

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Club members visit New Zealand Embassy

December 7, 2011

New Zealand Ambassador Mike Moore and his wife Yvonne hosted about 40 National Press Club members at the New Zealand Embassy on Dec. 1. Moore discussed improving trade and strengthening military and security relations between New Zealand and the United States. He also analyzed regional politics,…

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Theresa Werner: Candidate for Club president

December 5, 2011

With challenging times facing our industry, the future of the National Press Club has never been a more important topic. I’m writing as a journalist who has seen that first-hand. I worked at NBC4 and Associated Press Radio and Television. I am currently freelancing, which has allowed me to expand…

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Tim Young: Candidate for Club president

December 5, 2011

Most years, candidates for the elected NPC offices run unopposed. They make perfunctory statements to members, making vague promises about all the great things they’re going to do. Then, every year---nothing happens. This year is different. This year, there's a choice. That’s why it’s very…

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Keith Hill: Candidate for Club president

December 5, 2011

I'm Keith Hill, current vice president of the National Press Club. I'm running for the position of NPC President. I've wanted to run for president ever since I joined the NPC in 2003. Sheila Cherry's election to the presidency that year made me feel that, with hard work and persistence, I could…

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Absentee ballots exceed 300; Election Day: Dec. 9; vote now in library

December 5, 2011

A total of 320 absentee ballots for the National Press Club elections were mailed as of the deadline at 5 p.m. Dec. 2. Ballots can no longer be requested by mail. The hotly contested election will be held Dec. 9. Club members can vote any time between now and then in the library. A list of…

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